Radio Clásica


Andreas Schager takes over for Joseph Calleja!

Statement Joseph Calleja 10 th July: Due to a persistent throat infection, I was advised by my doctor to withdraw from the current production of Parsifal here in Bayreuth. Goes without saying that this was a very hard decision to take, and I am so sorry for disappointing those of you who were looking forward to seeing me in this great opera and historic venue. I take this opportunity to wish all the best to all of my colleagues and the production team for a great first night!

After the cancellation of Joseph Calleja this morning, Andreas Schager immediately agreed to take over the title role of the new production “Parsifal” as well and to sing already today’s two seat rehearsals. Katharina Wagner is very grateful to Andreas Schager! The casting of the part of Erik in the “Flying Dutchman” will be announced as soon as possible. We wish Joseph Calleja a speedy recovery!

Der Beitrag Andreas Schager takes over for Joseph Calleja! erschien zuerst auf Bayreuther Festspiele.